Our Partners in the World

Food Trip Go partners are the masters of taste, the keepers of culinary traditions and ambassadors of local cultures around the world. Each partner shares our passion for excellence, authenticity and respect for their region’s culinary roots. They are passionate chefs, local producers, innovative restaurateurs, expert tourism service providers and more.

Through their collaboration, we are able to offer travelers unique and unforgettable experiences, allowing them to immerse themselves in the flavors, scents and stories of each destination. Our partners not only contribute to the richness of our gastronomic itineraries, but are also our allies in promoting culinary diversity and preserving food traditions around the world. We are grateful to be able to work side by side with a global network of tourism and culinary talent and aspire to continue to grow together, exploring new territories and sharing the beauty and richness of culture through food.

Unisciti a noi nel percorso gastronomico

Siamo entusiasti all’idea di collaborare con menti creative e appassionate come la tua per creare viaggi gastronomici memorabili. Diventa un partner di Food Trip Go e condividi il tuo patrimonio culinario e culturale con il mondo. Contattaci oggi stesso per iniziare questo viaggio culinario insieme!